Tommaso Grandi

impianti pterigoidei il dottor Tommaso Grandi svolge un intervento con impianti pterigoidei su un paziente nella Clinica Tommaso Grandi in via Contrada 232 Pterygoid implants: Dr. Tommaso Grandi performs a procedure with pterygoid implants on a patient at the Tommaso Grandi Clinic located at 232 Contrada Street

Pterygoid Implants: Advancements in Oral Rehabilitation in Modena

In recent years, the field of dentistry in Modena has witnessed significant strides in the advancement of technologies and clinical practices. One of the most noteworthy developments is represented by pterygoid implants, a revolutionary solution that has transformed the landscape of oral rehabilitation. Anatomy of Pterygoid Implants To fully understand the role of pterygoid implants,...

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Impianti dentali con poco osso Implants with Limited Bone

Implants with Limited Bone

The loss of teeth is a problem that affects many people. Dental implants represent a highly effective solution replacing missing teeth and restoring the functionality and aesthetics of the smile. Insufficient bone in the jaws can complicate obtaining dental implants. Fortunately, new technologies allow these patients to benefit from this solution. In this article, we...

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